Blanche popover shirt.
Vintage dead stock/upholstery remnants. Stark medium weight cotton sateen stripes are surrounded by unbleached medium weight natural cotton. Opposites do attract in this case. I love the marriage of a soft sheen and a durable natural cotton. This shirt is a popover style with a convertible collar.
Convertible collar
Split side seams at hem
Mother of pearl buttons
Boxy, camp shirt silhouette
100% cotton
Please note that all textiles used are 50 to 125+ years old and may contain irregularities and/or areas of irregular color. All stains and fabric imperfections have been treated by us to the best of our ability and are common with vintage and antique textiles.
1/2 Chest: 24.5”
Front body length from HPS: 28.5”
Across Shoulder: 21”
Vintage dead stock/upholstery remnants. Stark medium weight cotton sateen stripes are surrounded by unbleached medium weight natural cotton. Opposites do attract in this case. I love the marriage of a soft sheen and a durable natural cotton. This shirt is a popover style with a convertible collar.
Convertible collar
Split side seams at hem
Mother of pearl buttons
Boxy, camp shirt silhouette
100% cotton
Please note that all textiles used are 50 to 125+ years old and may contain irregularities and/or areas of irregular color. All stains and fabric imperfections have been treated by us to the best of our ability and are common with vintage and antique textiles.
1/2 Chest: 24.5”
Front body length from HPS: 28.5”
Across Shoulder: 21”
Vintage dead stock/upholstery remnants. Stark medium weight cotton sateen stripes are surrounded by unbleached medium weight natural cotton. Opposites do attract in this case. I love the marriage of a soft sheen and a durable natural cotton. This shirt is a popover style with a convertible collar.
Convertible collar
Split side seams at hem
Mother of pearl buttons
Boxy, camp shirt silhouette
100% cotton
Please note that all textiles used are 50 to 125+ years old and may contain irregularities and/or areas of irregular color. All stains and fabric imperfections have been treated by us to the best of our ability and are common with vintage and antique textiles.
1/2 Chest: 24.5”
Front body length from HPS: 28.5”
Across Shoulder: 21”